Sunday, November 20, 2011

Dates for December 2011

Thursday 1st, Friday 2nd, Saturday 3rd
& Monday 5th, Tuesday 6th.

Time 6-9pm

900 North Main Street, Alpine
The Living Nativity is a way to remember why we celebrate Christmas. Come enjoy a live cast,
a Bethlehem market street, animals, and a hayride. The Living Nativity is a journey back in
time as you walk through the sights and sounds from thousands of years ago to the time when
Jesus was born.

You will be summoned by Roman Soldiers, greeted at the city gates by wise men from the
East and their camels. A carpenter and blacksmith can be seen working at their trade, along
with pottery makers, weavers, bakers, shepherds with their sheep, and more. If you follow
the star, it will lead you to the newborn babe, wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.